CBD Oil for Hedgehogs – Is It Safe and Effective?

cannabis plant in background with cbd oil and hedgehog in foreground

In order to understand whether CBD oil for hedgehogs is safe and effective, we need to establish a basic understanding of what CBD is AND what it is not. We also need to cover how CBD is processed through a hedgehog’s body, distributed, and utilized. Once these things are understood, we can begin to explore ways in which CBD may be a therapeutic option for your hedgehog.

Where Does CBD Come From?

CBD oil beginning as a cannabis sativa crop

CBD is an acronym for the chemical cannabidiol and it is extracted from cannabis plants. Cannabis plants produce two main cannabinoid compounds, CBD and THC. And this is where the confusion comes in. During the Nixon administration, in the 1970's, legislation passed that categorized ALL forms of cannabis and cannabis products as illegal (Controlled Substances act of 1970). That included hemp, which has industrial use for many manufactured products.

All forms of cannabis were categorically classified as a hallucinogenic drug. This was done even though not all forms of cannabis have enough THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) in it to produce any type of psychoactive effects. THC is the cannabinoid that produces that euphoric “high” experience from marijuana. Industrial hemp is a form of the cannabis sativa plant that contains less than 0.3% THC. That amount is so insignificant that it has no ability to produce a “high”. In contrast, marijuana, which comes from a different form of the cannabis sativa plant, has 5%-30% THC depending on the strain.

The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, opened up hemp agriculture and product legalization in the United States. This allowed for hemp harvesting and CBD extraction from it. CBD is the compound that has produced many benefits for those suffering certain ailments. Just to be clear, any CBD product containing even 0.4% or more of THC is still considered a Schedule 1 controlled substance. While that may have therapeutic significance in certain circumstances, that is NOT the CBD for hedgehogs that we are discussing here.

Why Is There General Distrust Of CBD Oil for Hedgehogs?

Keep in mind that all forms of cannabis were categorically and erroneously branded as a “drug” for almost 50 years. Given that, it's not difficult to understand why there is skepticism and distrust. On top of that, there are hedgehog scientific studies of CBD oil usage. And if that wasn't bad enough, we have veterinarians that won't recommend CBD oil as a viable therapeutic option due to controversy. Plus they fear licensing consequences from the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association).

That isn't to say that no veterinarian will speak with you about using CBD oil for hedgehogs. But it does call into question whether what they say about it is being filtered through fear of repercussions from the AVMA. After all, if you go on Facebook (the biggest grapevine of gossip there is) and say your vet approved the use of CBD oil to treat your hedgehog, then their license was just put in jeopardy. Some pioneering vets that support the use of CBD oil have overcome this censoring by recommending CBD as a nutritional supplement rather than medication. But if your vet won't give you the thumbs-up on it, then obviously it can't be trusted, right?! Wrong! Please keep reading.

How CBD Is Delivered Through The Body

The Endocannabinoid System (EBS)

In order to understand how CBD is distributed through hedgehogs, let's look at the the Endocannabinoid System (EBS). The EBS is a very complex system that exists in ALL mammals – including hedgehogs. It's so complex in fact, that scientists don't fully understand all the ways in which this system works. Within the EBS, there are three main components: endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes. Each has it's own purpose within the system.


Every mammal's body naturally produces molecules called endocannabinoids. These molecules help the body run smoothly and are produced by the body as-needed. Endocannabinoids are instrumental in helping the body remain stable and in equilibrium.


The receptors, CB1 and CB2, are located throughout the body. CB1 receptors are primarily located within the central nervous system and typically bind with endocannabinoid molecules produced to handle pain. CB2 receptors are primarily located in the peripheral nervous system and receive molecules produced as the result of inflammation. Previously, It was believed that CBD attached to CB1 and CB2 receptors, but studies have refuted that. Scientists still believe that the EBS system is the delivery pathway for CBD, but they have not discovered how quite yet. There is speculation that there may still be other receptors that have not yet been identified. In contrast, THC does bind with CB1 and CB2 receptors.


Once endocannabinoid molecules perform their designated functions, enzymes break them down. It has been hypothesized that CBD helps endocannabinoid molecules last longer in the body by helping prevent them from being broken down by enzymes. This hasn't been proven yet, but time will tell.

Let's Examine Arguments Against CBD Oil for Hedgehogs

Hemp versus Marijuana

cbd in a dropper next to a hemp plant

Wrong! To dispel any confusion, hemp is NOT the same as marijuana. It's true that hemp and marijuana both come from Cannabis sativa. However, the amount of THC it contains is what differentiates the strains. THC is what produces a “high” and any psychoactive effects. According to the definition as cited from 7 U.S. Code § 1639o:

(1) Hemp

The term “hemp” means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

What Is the Risk Of Side effects By Using CBD Oil for Hedgehogs?

Almost all supplements and medications have the potential to cause side effects with varying intensity. For example, vitamin B3 (niacin) can produce a prickling sensation that varies from mild to severe. Often, something that is normally beneficial can cause issues if taken in excess. For instance, look at calcium. When it's taken appropriately, it's usually fine. But if taken excessively, it can cause constipation and possibly other health issues like kidney stones.

Some of the unlikely side effects that can be experienced with CBD oil are: dry mouth, loss of appetite, diarrhea, change in effectiveness of prescription medication (if they are on any), drowsiness, decrease in blood pressure, increase in liver enzymes. It is always important to speak with your vet regarding CBD oil, even if they aren't supportive of your decision as a hedgie parent. They need to know this information so they can factor it into their recommendations appropriately. Also, it is important that the dosage of CBD oil you give to your hedgehog is not above recommended guidelines by the manufacturer.

About Standardization Of Potency Or Dosage

All supplement manufacturers have their own manufacturing processes that include the active ingredient(s) and inert ingredients. CBD oil is no different. The oil is a carrier for the CBD and the potency that is listed on the package, reveals the amount of CBD milligrams per unit of measure. If it's a liquid, it may say X mg/ml (where X is a number) or it may give you the total milligrams for the bottle and the total milliliters in the bottle. It then becomes a simple matter of dividing the total milligrams by the total milliliters. If it's a treat then it may say X mg/treat. The bottom line is that the manufacturer knows the potency and any reputable supplier is going to keep a consistent product.

Like with the potency, the dosage is something that a good CBD oil supplier should be able to give you for their particular product. One caution we'd like to put out there is that you should buy consistently from the same supplier that has an effective product.

Here's a good example why. One of our staff takes daily prescription medication and has for many years. Her pharmacy changed suppliers for the same potency of her medication and didn't inform her. When the medication was basically ineffective and she was having issues by the third day into the new bottle, she looked at the manufacturer information on the bottle. When she compared it to an old empty bottle she still had, it was a different manufacturer. Their particular method of manufacturing altered the efficacy and her system wasn't receptive to it. As a result, she always checks the manufacturer now.

Possible Therapeutic Effects for Hedgehogs Taking CBD Oil

Studies Surrounding CBD and Its Therapeutic Value

There have been numerous studies on a variety of mammals to determine what benefits and side effects may exist related to CBD. In fact the FDA (Food & Drug Administration), approved a drug named Epidiolex. This drug, which is pure CBD, got the green light after clinical trials showed that it was effective in reducing epileptic seizures induced by Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome. The recommended dosage of Epidiolex was set at a starting dosage of 2.5 mg/kg taken twice daily (5 mg/kg/day). The maximum maintenance dosage of 5 mg/kg twice daily (10 mg/kg/day) is recommended by the manufacturer for the seizures. These particular seizures are resistant to other anti-convulsant and seizure medications. In other studies of seizure activity, CBD has shown therapeutic potential in the treatment of epileptic seizures in general.

As we previously mentioned, there isn't specific scientific data that definitively outlines the medical benefits of CBD oil for hedgehogs. While we would feel much better if there was, we have to recognize that hedgehogs are a fringe pet. As hedgie parents, we are in an extreme minority. Research and clinical trials are reserved for the masses. So we have to rely on what we do know and can find research on. The following list points to scientific studies done with other animals and humans; and since we know the delivery system is through every mammal's ECS, there's no reason to expect different results:

Quilly's Experience Using CBD Oil

Our personal experience using CBD oil with Quilly relates to quilling and chronic itching. We tried the normal recommendations for these issues. We strongly encourage others to also try conventional treatment before resorting to CBD oil. In Quilly's case, his quilling caused a general grumpiness that was not his normal demeanor. The usual remedies provided short-term relief but had no longevity. CBD oil was the only thing that helped consistently during that period of time. He got one drop daily in his food.

Quilly also suffers pruritus where his quills end and the fur begins. Pruritus is a fancy name for chronic itching. We've tried all the usual remedies for this too without relief. When we bathe him with a CBD oil infused wash and mist him with CBD oil infused spray, it provides him with relief where other methods have failed. If Quilly ever suffers any other ailments, we'll certainly consider using CBD oil if traditional treatments fail.

How To Choose The Right CBD Oil for Hedgehogs

When searching for an appropriate CBD oil for your hedgehog, there are several important factors to consider:

  • Make sure the potency isn't too high so you can give a sufficiently small enough dose. After all, they don't have the same body weight as a cat or dog!
  • We also recommend that you investigate that the source plant for the manufacturer's product is a legal source.
  • Do they have a lab certificate that you can examine? If they don't, keep looking.
  • Verify that the source of their plants are organic to avoid any pesticide poisoning (preferably by lab tests).
  • Make sure the extraction method is CO2 and not another method that uses solvents or metals. CO2 (carbon dioxide) is a safe method and is something you're already familiar with since it's in the air we breathe and provides carbonation in soda we drink.
  • Make sure that the company has numerous positive testimonials and read them.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Heavenly Hedgies is an Amazon Associate. We have partnered with them and other reputable merchants when they sell something that we feel will benefit our readers. By purchasing through our links, we may earn a small commission on sales, that helps us continue to provide informative and educational information for hedgie lovers. And the best part is that there is no additional cost to you. Thank you for being a loyal and supportive reader here at Heavenly Hedgies.

CBD Pet Tinctures - Hedgehog safe treatment oil

Summarizing Safety and Effectiveness of CBD Oil for Hedgehogs

Heavenly Hedgies has seen positive results from using CBD oil with Quilly. However, we didn't make it our go-to remedy. We tried conventional remedies for quilling and itching first. We also had him seen by his vet who did skin scraping to test for mites, parasites and fungus. Our recommendation is that you also take the conservative approach with your hedgehog. However, we are well aware that there are hedgehog owners out there living in remote areas where there may not be qualified veterinary care. Or they may be in the financial position where a vet bill is a hardship. Ultimately, as a hedgie parent, you know the position you're in and the health requirements of your quill baby. Whatever treatment pathway you take, we commend your efforts and are happy that you're taking their well-being seriously.

hedgehog beside a hemp plant and a dropper of CBD oil
hedgehog with their tongue out beneath a dropper of cbd oil with a list of ailments that cbd oil may help
hedgehog being held in two hands with wording asking if they are terminally ill for which cbd oil for hedgehogs is an option
hedgehog behind a steering wheel of a car with frightened woman behing them overlaid with the words that hedgehogs should never drive after taking CBD oil
easel with chemical notation of CBD with a hedgehog to the right while licking their lips

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