How long do hedgehogs live?

Quilly wears a silly birthday hat in front of a seasonal backdrop to answer the question how long do hedgehogs live

Hedgehogs are incredibly cute. We think they're the cutest, but hey, we're biased! A viewer recently asked, “How long do hedgehogs live?” Hopefully because they wanted to determine how long they would get to enjoy this adorable bundle of prickly joy. We brought in our resident expert on hedgehogs (because he is one) to answer this question.

Here's The Transcript from “How long do hedgehogs live?”:

Hey there hedgie fans!
Welcome to another episode of Ask Quilly.

A couple of weeks ago, Linda from Canada asked, “How long do hedgehogs live?”

Well Linda, hedgehogs typically live between 3-6 years when kept as a domesticated pet ….AND…with regular visits to their qualified exotic vet of course! Some hedgehogs live a little longer and some hedgies live a little less, but 3-6 years is a pretty good average.

That may not sound very long, but 3-6 hedgehog years is actually more like 46-91 in human years.
Our longevity has a lot to do with our diet, environment, and health habits.

If you want to know how long hedgehogs live in the wild…well, that’s more like 2-5 years. They have a shorter lifespan because they have predators, harsh environments, and no one to take them to a vet when they get sick.

I’m wearing a birthday hat to remind everyone that each year they have their hedgie is something to celebrate!
So Linda, our time together may be short. But, with each passing season, we'll have made great memories together that will travel with you wherever you go!

Hopefully that answered your question, Linda. And thank you for asking me that!

If any other hedgie fans have questions for me, let me know below or on my website!
If you’d like to learn more about us hedgehogs, please like this video and subscribe to my channel so you’ll know when there’s a new Ask Quilly video!
Until next time, Bye for now!

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Heavenly Hedgies is an Amazon Associate. We have partnered with them and other reputable merchants when they sell something that we feel will benefit our readers. By purchasing through our links, we may earn a small commission on sales, that helps us continue to provide informative and educational information for hedgie lovers. And the best part is that there is no additional cost to you. Thank you for being a loyal and supportive reader here at Heavenly Hedgies.

If you want to learn more hedgehogs and you can't find it on our site, you can ask it in the comments below or on our contact page.

Good veterinary care helps increase the longevity of your hedgie! This company offers 25% off all veterinary treatment through participating veterinarians:

Hedgehog supplies from Chewy
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