Smiling Hedgehog Jigsaw Puzzle 2

a picture of Luna the smiling hedgehog

Let us introduce Luna who is the feature in this smiling hedgehog jigsaw puzzle. Whenever we look at it, our hearts just melt! Luna is owned by AJ Ness and she happily agreed to let us use her quill baby's picture for this jigsaw puzzle for you to complete. Thank you AJ! You're such a lucky hedgie mom.

Last Sunday's jigsaw puzzle was a handsome hedgehog named Garlic. His human is Alexandra Stoichina and she graciously allowed us to use his picture for the puzzle! In fact all our puzzles can be located from our Hedgehog Fun page. The puzzle of Garlic took us 16 minutes to put together. Why don't you let us know how long it takes you?

However you found us, we're glad you stopped by! We've got lots and lots of articles about hedgehogs. You'll find info about their history, health issues, nutrition, and so many tip and tricks. We always adding new articles for you to read. And you have to admit, hedgies are some of the cutest animals ever created. At least that's what we think and we're sticking with it!

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Hedgehog supplies from Chewy

How To Complete This Smiling Hedgehog Jigsaw Puzzle

Directions For Jigsaw Puzzles

Luna is the smiling hedgehog featured in this puzzle. The picture shows how the finished puzzle looks when you've successfully placed all the pieces. Sometimes when the puzzle box appears, it will appear in pieces and other times it will appear whole. The rewind circular arrows will put the puzzle into pieces for you to try your hand at completing it. The completion timer begins when you move your first piece. Make sure you pause the timer if you have to step away or it will keep on going! It's easier to complete if you identify the border pieces first and build your frame.

pin of Luna the smiling hedgehog
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