What Can My Hedgehog Eat From Thanksgiving Dinner?

Quilly with a turkey hat ready to answer What Can My Hedgehog Eat From Thanksgiving Dinner

When holidays roll around, it's perfectly natural for hedgie parents to want to include their hedgies. But because hedgehogs have a fairly restrictive diet, we're often asked, “What can my hedgehog eat from Thanksgiving dinner?” It may surprise you to hear this, but there are more things than you think.

We recommend that your review the article Hedgehog Safe Food Ideas for deeper research, but in this video Quilly gives some quick pointers on sharing Thanksgiving dinner with your quill-baby.

Here is the transcript for “What Can My Hedgehog Eat From Thanksgiving Dinner?”:

Hey hedgie fans! This is a special edition of Ask Quilly because of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Many people wonder what they can give their hedgehog from the Thanksgiving dinner that has been prepared.

If you haven’t read the articles that are on the website about what hedgehogs can and can’t eat, I would start there first. But I know that you’re anxious to get to the festivities, so I’ll give you a few pointers here. It’s not an exhaustive list – just the most common Thanksgiving foods.

Your hedgie should love having some skinless turkey or a little bit of ham. And while we normally don’t suggest anything sweet, a little bit every once in a while isn’t going to hurt anything. So if you want to give your hedgie a little tiny bit of cranberry sauce or un-spiced pumpkin pie filling, I’m sure they’ll love it.

I don’t recommend anything that is has citrus, is stringy or spicy. My human gives me some of the egg white from her deviled eggs but says I can’t have the filling because of mayonnaise and relish.

Humans tend to overindulge during Thanksgiving, but it’s better if you keep the food you share with your hedgie in small portions and not too many of them. It might upset their tummies. And my human says, “If in doubt – leave it out.”

That’s it for the food tips. From me and everyone at Heavenly Hedgies, have a Happy Thanksgiving and may your family time be blessed and full of love!

Until next time….bye for now!

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