Do Hedgehogs Smell?

Quilly stands ready in his hazmat suit with a bathing hedgie in the background to address do hedgehogs smell

Hedgehogs are an unusual type of pet that isn't commonly found in your nearby pet store. Some even wonder, “Do hedgehogs smell?” After all, ferrets, another exotic type of pet have a strong odor. Watch this short but informative video and see what Quilly's nose knows.

Here's The Transcript from “Do Hedgehogs Smell?”:

Hey hedgie fans! Sarah from Texas wrote in and asked, “Do hedgehogs smell?“

It may surprise you but this question gets asked a lot!

Maybe it’s because we have some pig-like features, so people assume hedgehogs are stinky.
Hedgehogs don’t have any scent glands like ferrets, skunks, or even cats! So when we’re clean, we don’t have any particular scent.
Like any animal, if they aren’t kept clean, they begin to smell funky.
Since domestic hedgehogs are caged animals, we walk through whatever is in our cage.
So that means if the cage isn’t kept clean, then we’re walking through our own waste. And as you can imagine, that really smells funky!

In order to keep their hedgehog from getting smelly, many hedgehog owners will give daily foot baths and change out the bedding regularly.
Some hedgehog owners even manage to litter train their hedgehogs.

My friend Lisa wrote an article on how to litter train a hedgehog. Make sure you check that out on my website.
I’m sure it will be really helpful if you’re concerned about your hedgehog getting smelly.
If you keep our cage and bodies clean, a hedgehog should smell just fine!

Thank you for your question Sarah.

That’s it for this episode of Ask Quilly
If you learned anything or just or just had fun, please comment, like, and subscribe.
I really do love teaching everyone about us hedgehogs, so keep asking those questions.
Until next time, bye for now.

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Hedgehog supplies from Chewy

If you want to learn more about hedgehog hygiene and you can't find it on our site, you can ask it in the comments below or on our contact page.

When your hedgie needs medical attention, we recommend this company that offers 25% off all veterinary treatment through participating clinics:

If you'd like to learn easy methods you can use during hedgehog bath time, we recommend this article:

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