Do Hedgehogs Travel Well?

Quilly sits on an airplane ready to discuss if hedgehogs travel well

You may be a bit of a rambler and wondering whether hedgehogs travel well. If this describes you then you'll want to watch as Quilly discusses all forms of travel in this short educational video. It's a bit longer than Quilly's other videos but is packed with useful information.

Here's The Transcript from “Do Hedgehogs Travel Well?”:

[♪♫♪ Quilly singing “I’m leaving on a jet plane. Don’t know when I’ll be back again…”]

Oh! Hey there hedgie fans! You caught me daydreaming about flying away to a tropical paradise.
I blame Manos because he asked if hedgehogs travel well. I’m paraphrasing of course.

Personally, I’ve never been on an airplane. And I probably never will.
Most airlines, but not all, will allow hedgehogs in the pressurized and air-conditioned area of the cargo hold.
It’s wayyyy too cold in there for us. So if you ever put us on an airplane, a special heated carrier will have to be used.
Also, hedgies are very sensitive animals so the pressure change may put unnecessary stress on us or hurt our ears.
If you do decide to put your hedgie on a plane, make sure it’s not headed out of the country without knowing what the laws are in every country your hedgie has to travel through.
You may discover that your hedgie has been quarantined.
That would make both of you very sad.

In the United States, some people have had a psychiatric professional approve hedgehogs as emotional support animals, or otherwise called ESA’s for short.
You see, a hedgehog can provide its owner with emotional support.
It can even be certified as an ESA. If you have a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression, and you’ve been diagnosed by a psychiatric or other mental health professional, they may feel that it’s in your best interest to have an emotional support animal.

In the past, a hedgehog that was an ESA used to be allowed in the airplane cabin if they were legitimately certified. But now there are almost no airlines that will permit us on board.
Sorry to disappoint you Manos. I guess I’ll never get to visit you in Greece.

My friend Lisa is writing an article about hedgehogs as ESAs. So be sure to look for that article coming out soon.

While we’re talking about hedgehogs and travel, most trains, buses, and cruise lines, won’t allow hedgehogs aboard either. So make sure you check well in advance before planning an adventure with your hedgie.

That leaves traveling by car and each hedgehog is different.
Some hedges may tolerate the motion of the car very well, and others, not so much.
Did you know that sometimes hedgies get motion sickness just like humans?
I personally love car trips, but understand why some hedgies don’t.

I suggest that you take your hedgehog on short little trips around town with you and see how they handle that.
If they handle that well, try a short trip to visit a friend.
What you may find is that the new smells and sounds are too overwhelming for your hedgie friend.
I wouldn’t recommend a long trip without being sure that they can handle short trips and even an overnight stay somewhere.
If you do take your hedgie on a car trip, always be mindful of their need for a temperature-controlled environment and to have water available for them at all times.

Hopefully if you’re a rambler, your hedgie will be able to ramble with you.

If you’ve learned anything from my video – or you plain just think that I’m cute – please comment, like, and subscribe.
And keep those questions coming.
Until next time, bye for now.

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Hedgehog supplies from Chewy

If you want to learn more about hedgehogs and you can't find it on our site, you can ask it in the comments below or on our contact page.

When your hedgie needs medical attention or if they get travel sickness, we have partnered with a company that offers 25% off all veterinary treatment through participating clinics:

If you'd like to learn more about hedgehogs as an Emotional Support Animal, we recommend this article:

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