Exploring The Male Hedgehog

male hedgehog showing its belly

When it comes to the male hedgehog, there have been many lively discussions within the hedgehog groups. Obviously there are numerous articles comparing male and female hedgehogs all across the internet. While we have read much of what is out there, we decided to reach out to owners that have direct knowledge, having owned both genders. What follows is what we have determined to be fact versus fiction and the topics we'll cover are:

  • Male hedgehog genitalia and sexuality
  • Size of male hedgies
  • Social aspects of male hedgehogs
  • Hygiene habits of the male hedgehog
  • Health and nutritional considerations

Male Hedgehog Genitalia and Sexuality

male hedgehog genitalia location
Our thanks go to Jenna Perlick for this picture of her male hedgehog Crackerjack

The most obvious difference between male and female hedgehogs is their genitalia. The male penis is located in the middle of their tummy within what looks very much like a “belly button”. Trust us when we tell you, that is definitely not a belly button…mostly. This area is referred to as the umbilical region, but it is also the penile sheath. When the male hedgehog is sexually excited, the penis emerges from that opening. While the anatomical structure of their penis is rather different than one might imagine, that is outside the scope of this discussion. If you like, you can learn more about it here. Conversely, the genitalia of a female hedgehog is located just above the anus. Once this is known, it's pretty easy to differentiate the two sexes.


Aside from genitalia differences, there is no way to positively tell male hedgehogs from females. The hormones within hedgies don't produce “masculine” or “feminine” features. So to tell them apart, you're going to have to look under the hood – so to speak.

While on the topic of genitalia, we might as well cover the topic of solitary sexuality in the male hedgehog. It's a natural function of all animals, including humans. But solitary sexuality isn't widely understood about hedgehogs of either gender. By solitary sexuality, we are referring to masturbation. There is much snickering and speculation regarding self-stimulation performed by male hedgehogs. And in more genteel circles, people politely refer to it as “boy time”. The reality is that it happens and when it does, it's a natural biological function. Not all male hedgehogs do this. And then there are other hedgies that do it quite frequently (though that is rare).


Males are the only hedgehog gender to sexually self-stimulate. False! Female hedgehogs practice self-stimulation as well. Since most hedgehogs self-stimulate in private, it is difficult to determine which gender does this more frequently.

Size of Male Hedgies

When you look at the human species, you see males and females of all different sizes, shapes, and colors. The same is true of domesticated hedgehogs. In the wild, European male hedgehogs are typically larger than female hedgehogs. This observation is based on comparing wild male and female hedgehogs that are of the same age and from the same environmental region. Before making general comparisons, we must consider age and climate.


The male hedgehog is larger than a female hedgehog. This is not true in all cases. Domesticated hedgehogs vary in size, and gender isn't a factor. This is largely due to breeding between the genus of hedgehogs and their removal from the wild.

Social Aspects of Male Hedgehogs

In general, hedgehogs are solitary creatures. They don't need to have a cage mate to have quality of life, and in most cases, hedgies actually prefer to live alone. Whether domesticated or in the wild, male hedgehogs, can be very territorial with another male. And a male hedgehog should never be permanently housed with a female hedgehog.


Two or more adult male hedgehogs cannot be cage mates. There are always exceptions to every rule, but in almost all cases, male hedgehogs in the same cage will fight.

Just as humans have different temperaments and socialization norms, so do hedgehogs. Some hedgehogs are anti-social and actually huffy about a human handling them. And others are warm, cuddly and interact very well with their owner. Being a male hedgehog or a female does not dictate attitude. Each hedgie is unique and will have their own mannerisms. With time and patience, sometimes you can train an anti-social hedgehog to be more social. If you need help with hedgehog bonding, you can find many tips and tricks here.

Hygiene Habits of The Male Hedgehog

There is a wide mixture of information about hedgehog hygiene posted on the internet. Much of it is written from limited experience and frankly, is misleading. We have seen numerous postings or web pages that claim male hedgehogs are messier than females. Some claim the opposite. Like temperament, hygiene is largely dependent on the personality of the hedgehog. We had a female hedgehog that was completely litter trained and ONLY went potty in a designated area within her cage. We have also had a female hedgie that was so lazy that she hung her butt outside her snuggle sack so she could pee and poop outside of where she slept. The takeaway here is that it's impossible to draw a conclusion about the hygiene of a male hedgehog based solely on their gender.


The following statement was found on a highly ranked page on Google: “… [self-anointing] is perfectly normal for hedgehogs-especially male hedgehogs“. The only true part of the statement is that self-anointing is normal. However, it is complete fiction that the male hedgehog is more prone to exhibit this behavior. This behavior is not gender-specific.

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Hedgehog supplies from Chewy
hedgehog taking a bath

When it comes to bathing hedgehogs, whether it's a female or a male hedgehog, the cooperation level is entirely dependent on their personality. Some hedgehogs love the attention and others will give their owners a death stare and fight the dunk. Nail clippings are usually fought equally by both male and female hedgehogs alike.

Health And Nutritional Considerations

There are many illnesses that hedgehogs are susceptible to develop during their lifespan. Of the common ailments, which you can read more about here on our website, cancer is the only illness where male hedgehogs have an advantage over females. That is not to say that a male hedgehog won't get cancer. However, since they lack the reproductive organs that a female hedgie has, there aren't as many forms of cancer that males can develop.


Male hedgehogs aren't any less prone to cancer. However, they lack the reproductive organs that commonly become cancerous within hedgehogs, so there are less forms of cancer that can develop within them.

All hedgehogs, male and female alike, are omnivores in what they eat. Nutritionally, they don't eat differently, however, as you can imagine, a female hedgehog eats more while she is pregnant and nursing. Aside from this gestational and nursing period, hedgehog appetites and activity levels, like personalities, are not gender-specific. A male hedgehog does not necessarily eat or exercise more (or less) than a female. These qualities in domesticated hedgehogs are indistinguishable.

Final Thoughts on the Male Hedgehog

Throughout this article, we have explored several facets about the male hedgehog in which misleading information abounds across the internet. Ultimately, the only differences that are substantiated are their genitalia location, their inability to cohabit with another male hedgehog, and the decreased number of cancers they can develop. In all other areas, male and female hedgies alike, bear varying characteristics that are not gender-related. One thing that is a constant, regardless of gender or any other characteristic, is their undeniable cuteness that captures the heart of most anyone they encounter.

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male hedgehog held in hand
male hedgehog in a defensive pose
male hedgehog licking the hand holding it
male hedgehog with an aggressive scowl
male hedgehog with a toothy grin
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