How Often Can Hedgehogs Eat Fruits And What Kind Of Fruits ?

Silly Quilly is wearing a watermelon helmet as he stands ready to discuss how often can hedgehogs eat fruits and what kind of fruits

With hedgehogs being insectivores, it isn’t necessary to give them fruit. However, some hedgies may enjoy having fruit now and then. Quilly discusses the question of how often can hedgehogs eat fruits and what kind of fruits? The answer may surprise you. Here is the guide mentioned in the video.

Here's The Transcript from “How Often Can Hedgehogs Eat Fruits And What Kind Of Fruits?”:

Today’s Ask Quilly video comes from Manos who lives in Greece.

He wrote in and asked, “How often can hedgehogs eat fruits and what kind of fruits?”
My friends at sent Manos a link to a guide that will help him and you can find that link below.

Hedgehogs should only have certain fruits as a treat because of the high sugar content.
And there are some fruits that hedgies should never eat because they can cause digestive problems and sometimes even death! And I know you don’t want that.

Thanks for writing in Manos.
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Until next time, bye for now.

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Hedgehog supplies from Chewy

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For further learning about a hedgehog's diet, please read: and

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