Is There Anything I Can Give My Grumpy Hedgehog Who’s Quilling?

Quilly is in a spa with a shower cap on to discuss is there anything I can give my grumpy hedgehog who's quilling

Hedgie owners feel helpless when their hedgehog is uncomfortable or in pain from quilling. It's natural to ask, “Is there anything I can give my grumpy hedgehog who's quilling?” There are some simple home remedies that experienced hedgehog owners attest to. Watch this short video to see some basic suggestions.

Here's The Transcript from “Is There Anything I Can Give My Grumpy Hedgehog Who's Quilling?”:

Hey hedgie fans! Today’s question comes from Eric in Vermont.

He asked, “Is there anything I can give my grumpy hedgehog who’s quilling?“

That’s a pretty common thing that happens Eric so I’m glad you asked.
To help soften the skin so new quills can easily break through, try giving them a bath infused with oatmeal, Nik’s oil, or flax seed oil.
You can also try putting a couple of drops of coconut oil on their food but NOT in their baths.
Another thing that seems to help hedgies is a drop of CBD oil in the bath.
It seems to help soften and reduce inflammation.

Please don’t apply any oil directly to our skin because it clogs the pores.
If you use oils in a bath, you’ll want to make sure that you rinse all the oil thoroughly.

I hope that helps you. Thanks for writing.
If you’ve learned anything from this video, I hope you'll comment below, like the video, and subscribe.
Keep those questions coming.
Until next time, bye for now.

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Hedgehog supplies from Chewy

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If you're concerned about how to recognize if your hedgehog may be quilling, please read this article:

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