What Temperature Should A Hedgehog Live In?

Quilly sits in a hammock swing with the ocean in the back to discuss what temperature should a hedgehog live in

Hedgehogs are very sensitive creatures that need a temperature controlled environment. Quilly discusses the range of temperatures in this short educational video. If you'd like to learn more about the best hedgehog cage heater system to control your hedgehog's environment, please read this article.

Here's The Transcript from “What Temperature Should A Hedgehog Live In?”:

Hey hedgie fans! My name is Quilly and I answer your questions about hedgehogs.

My friend Manos wrote and asked, “What temperature should a hedgehog live in?“
Hedgehogs are most comfortable between 74° and 76°F, which is 23° to 24°C.
If the temperature gets too low, your hedgehog may ball up and try and go into hibernation, which could be fatal.
If the temperature is too high, which is above 80°F or 27°C, your hedgehog could be headed towards heat stroke.
In either case, a temperature too high or too low is not healthy for a hedgehog.

You don’t have to keep your whole house within these temperatures, but their habitat should definitely be temperature controlled.

I hope that answers your question Manos. Thank you for asking.

If you have any questions about hedgehogs please leave it in the comment section below.
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Until next time, bye for now.

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Hedgehog supplies from Chewy

Want to learn more about keeping your hedgehog healthy? Your concern may already be covered in one of the articles found in the Health and Nutrition category. If not, you can ask in the comments below, or on our contact page.

If you're concerned about how to recognize if your hedgehog may be attempting to go into hibernation, please read this article: https://heavenlyhedgies.com/hedgehog-hibernation-signs-and-symptoms/

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